In current times vaporizers are just getting better and better. There are many options to choose from when looking at vaporizers. Desktop vaporizers though a little more on the pricey side but have many amazing factors. These devices usually have temperature control and are mainly heated by convection. Convection heating is when your herb is heated up by hot air passing through it to maximize the amount of flavor and effect for your dry herbs or concentrates without burning it.
Desk Vapes are typically wall plug in so you would typically leave it at home. Another style vaporizer is portable vaporizers coming in many styles from vaporizer pens to portable vaporizers. These devices are usually single purpose but some come with interchangeable inserts so you can enjoy concentrates as well. Unlike desktop units which have more flexibility with temperature these portable vapes usually have presets or just a press and go system. Next up we have e-nail systems which are the pinnacle for vaporizing concentrates. This device gives you more smoke content and a better flavor profile. You can set the temperature at the exact heat for your preference and keep It there for as long as you need. These are usually set up with rigs but can also be used in a bigger water pipe.
If you’re looking for a powerful smoke at a mid-range price, then you’ve come to the right place. V.Y.R.T. Glass & Wapes offers ultra-premium wax and herbal vaporizers.