No. It’s a non-psychoactive part of a plant. That is why you won’t have any “euphoria” effects. But come people can feel altered after taking CBD, because you never know how your body reacts to it until you try. Knowing this it’s strongly recommended to take CBD under supervision.
There is an approved information that CBD can treat certain types of epilepsy. Also, CBD can ease the musculoskeletal and nerve pain. Some evidence suggests that in this case CBD works best combining it with THC. Scientists also claim CBD can manage symptoms of anxiety.
It depends of your aim. There are plenty of ways of taking CBD and users decide themselves how to take it. Tinctures, edibles, topicals, vapes and so on – you have a lot to choose from.
Generally, newcomers start with low dosage and go slow with increasing it. There also can be variations in actual CBD content between products. Therefore, when starting a new package or switching dose – use caution. And we strongly recommend to talk to your doctor about the CBD product you want to take.